From the beginning of 2023 your only access to the Barossa Go Kart Club’s track will be via the new electric gate which has recently been commissioned.
All members should now have had a text message with a link in it inviting them to download the Palgate app for device Output 1. Unfortunately we had no control over the naming of the gate and as a result we got what we got. However once the app has been installed you will be able to edit the headline name from Output 1 to whatever else you desire eg BGKC, Barossa gate etc, however you will not be able to change the name of the underlying device which will remain as Output 1. In it’s current configuration, once the gate has been opened using the Palgate app, it will remain open for 15 seconds before closing again. This should be ample time to drive through with a trailer, but in the event that it is not the auto close time can be adjusted. Please be aware that in testing it has been found that the Palgate app cannot be used to reopen the gate without first getting out of Bluetooth reception range (approximately 20m).
As a result of this change the club will now have only one membership type which is a rolling 12 month membership which includes access to the gate, at a cost for 2023, of $200.