2020 Committee

A Treasurer is still required for the 2020 committee. If you feel that you could fill this role please let our Secretary know by emailing secretary@barossagokartclub.asn.au.

The committee is otherwise largely unchanged. David Harris will take on the Competition Secretary role as the incumbent, Frank Chessell, wishes to spend more time in the seat of his Formula V in season 2020. The committee for 2020 is –

  • Chairman – John Ellis
  • Vice Chairman and KASA co-delegate – Andrew Chapman
  • Treasurer – currently vacant
  • Secretary – Cheryl Ellis
  • Competition Secretary – David Harris
  • Membership Secretary – Matt Clark
  • Committee members – Steve Blee, Steve Clarke, Ian Watson (KASA delegate), Linda Harris, Rachel Ford, Dale Provan, Simon Granfield

The club will only be seeking to run 3 KA race meetings in 2020 (down from 5) as we have had increasing difficulty attracting competitors over the last couple of years. Conversely we will continue to offer a full program of KartSport SA events as these events have continued to thrive and clearly fill a void for karters seeking fun karting in South Australia.

If you feel that you have something to offer the club, be it as a committee member or helper at working bees or on race day, please contact the club via any of the methods on the Contact us page.